Monday, April 13, 2009


enjoying some rest this easter weekend and l must say that l really appreciate not having to wake up at the usual time. this weekend was unique in that we had a concert at church called the Fit concert. it was good to see people coming and enjoying themelves as they sang and was lots of work to try and bring these things together and l'm glad that at the end of it all we saw the fruit of the preparation that we had put into this.

there is lot that happened fom the time we decided we where going to have a concert to the time we where on stage doing the actual concert. if l had known we would have faced some of the stuff that we faced l probably would have decided we dont start the planning at all but l'm glad l didnt know because l got to enjoy one of the most meaningful events in my life and l am ready for more!!!! there is a lot as well that could have stood out as the outstanding experience for us as we planned and put together this could have been the struggles we had choosing a date a nd having to move it becoz another event was taking pplace at the same could have been trying to get a catchy way of advertising the concert so many people would could be the practise times that we had as a band that got more taxing as we drew towards the could be the recording that we did two days be4 the concert(which was really hard for me to go to becoz l needed to be chatting with my darling at the same time) could be many things for the many guys who where part of making this happen but for me it was the time when l opened my eyes as we where on stage and l saw many hands lifted up and people were praising and worshiping God as we sang the song 'hossana to the king who came and died and rose again'

l'm thankful to God for allowing me the opportunity to serve Him in this way and l look forwrd to doing even more things for this Jesus as we are used by Him as his search and rescue team to find His lost sheep....hossana to the King!!!!

1 comment:

showstopper said...

So glad it went well...I plan on being at the next one!!! :-)