Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I'm feeling very energetic today and l'm not sure why.maybe its because l am back to my usual diet of eating sadza at any interval of the day, or because I'm going to be chatting with zie in a moment, or its because l sent my assignment to the college and so l can relax. but wateva it is l am so glad l'm in this state....a state of expecting something, a state of being positive, a really good state. l'm doing everything l'm doing with all my heart. lt reminds me that God wants us to put all our heart and soul into wat we do for Him. And really all that we do we should do it as unto the Lord. This is why our walk with God is filled with challenges. The devil is out to try and make us lose heart. He trys to steal the joy becoz the joy of the Lord is our strength and when that joy is stolen our strength is lacking and even when we want to serve God our service is half hearted and hence not pleasing to God. it is a gradual and subtle process that leaves us at a place where we may juss find ourselves lukewarm.....well this is a lesson to me that it doesnt rain forever and joy always comes in the morning. l love Jesus.....and l'm putting my heart and my soul into my service to Him as l worship Him this year.

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